We had a great time stuffing ourselves, dancing,taking photos, enjoying a few ales and then strolling around my neighborhood so the little dog could do her thing. Yes, even Doris had a thanksgiving meal of turkey, potatoes and squash. Dave took some really spectacular photos from the evening and you should check them out on his flickr page.
And so now, I sit on the couch, polishing off the last of the gerkins, tapping away at the keys of a laptop wedged firmly in place against my dunlop, thinking about tomorrow's ride at Sprain Ridge. I can't wait. I have a little bit of maintenance to take care of the morning (want to see if I can take a couple links out of my chain) and then it's off to the trails with Dave & Alex. It's been a fantastic vacation.
Happy Thanksgiving. Been too long since I saw the site, looks great. Hope you are both doing well!
Thanks for the great food -- I suggest you cook us dinner more often!
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