This is capitalism at it's finest. Here are the issues that the workers are striking against:
Wage reductions of up to 25%
Rediculous health insurance premiums
Elimination of holidays, vacations, sick pay & current pensionElimination of extra pay for working Saturdays
After Gathering at 238th & Broadway outside of the Stella D'oro Factory we marched down Broadway, chanting and shouting in unity. At 225th we stopped and several supporters and strikers spoke out about the situation. I can't help but feel proud about yelling and shaking my fists in the face of wrong-doing. I hope to see a victory for the strikers soon. Until then, you can do your part to help by boycotting all Stella D'oro products found at your local grocery stores.
More info about the Strike can be found here: http://www.stelladorostrike2008.com/