Nov 19, 2005

Walkin' around my neighborhood.

Today was a mighty productive day. It started at 9 am when I left my house with two military duffles full of my dirties. I was on my way to the laundromat to get my smelly dirties smellin' like roses again. Laundry was done by 11am. Then I set off for the Camera shop to get some B&W 400 film and dropped off some .jpgs to have printed out.

Riding the fixed gear down St.Paul Street I had to stop and investigate as to why there were 3 DC Cop cars in downtown Baltimore. Then I saw a bunch of people with headsets and movie cameras and I realized they were filming a movie. A little investigating (and getting yelled at for taking pictures) learned me that they were filming "The Visiting" which is a spin off of The Body Snatchers. I was told that this scene was supposed to be a DC scene... funny.

I carried on my merry way towards the Camera store and banged a left onto Pratt street as usual... only to plow smack dab into the back of a Thanksgiving Parade. (Little early I'd say) Yeah, so I was famous for a few blocks while I rode through the Parade to get to Calvert St and lock up.

After grabbing film I pedaled back home, grabbed my camera and took a nice walk around Mt.Vernon, my neighborhood. I took a bunch of unsatisfying photos of this and that and made my way to the Enoch Pratt Library while doing so. Once at the library I checked out an Ansel Adams book: "Letters & Images" which is pretty interesting so far. It's composed largely of letters to and from Ansel speaking praise of his work and telling of his great ventures; I'm going to like it.

By the way whoever is posting this "tag" all over Mt.Vernon... please stop. This is THE LAMEST spray painted scribble I have ever seen (2 photos below)

  • Nobody can read it
  • You posted it EVERYWHERE
  • It's not a good tag
  • You're probably a freshmen at MICA

And not even 10' away is:

(Note the proximity of the two "tags")

Not a whole lot else to tell about. Chinese food for dinner, with the infamous girlfriend, where plans were made for an early morning bike ride down to the farmers market, then a trip to the grocery store later to further stock up on food stuffs and perhaps catch the new Johnny Cash movie. Should be a great day.


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