Jul 25, 2014

Moonflower time lapse

A couple of weeks ago a buddy at work gave me a few plants; two tropical, black-eyed susan vines and one moonflower plant.   Woahohohooooo Nelly...  Am I about to blog about plants?  Why yes; yes I am.  The moonflower plant is pretty awesome actually.  My buddy told me that this plant would produce flowers, one at a time, several times, before dying.  Last night it finally blossumed and I used my new GoPro to capture the time lapse.  The series of photos in the video were taken every 60 seconds, between 7:00pm and 9:00pm.  Pretty cool!

1 comment:

recumbent conspiracy theorist said...

That's cool how the blossom opened as night fell. Hence the name I suppose.