Apr 29, 2012
Schaeffer Farming - 21 miles

Apr 17, 2012
Mountain ride at Fair Hills - 21 miles

So, off we went. We made small talk while Heather (a Wooden Wheels Racer) lead me through the course and even pointed out some insightful tips in some sections. Thanks! After a lap with them, I rode it two more times racking up a fun 21 miles. The course is rocket fast. There's almost no technically challenging features, virtually no climbing (maybe 1500' per lap) and tons of places to pass people. I am really looking forward to this race.

I'm also really glad I reinstalled my big ring, front derailleur & shifter this morning. I'm going to need that 44 tooth ring on this course. Still, I don't care for what I see as a cluttered bar. I love the simplicity of my single speed's cockpit (Just a couple of brake levers). On the Cannondale, my entire bar is taken up with brake levers, shifters and a lock out control for my Lefty. But, oh how I love locking that Lefty out on the climbs and road sections! I've been riding without a front shifter on my bars for so long now that I found myself accidentally bumping the shifter paddle with my thumb at the most inopportune times. I stopped and moved my shifter about a half inch further inboard and all was right with the world again.
Anyway, here are a few photos that show just how fast this course is... Thanks again for showing me the course guys!
Apr 16, 2012
Michaux Trail Cup Race Report - 28 miles

Breakfast was two bowls of Crispix, a cup of Joe and a pint of OJ. I was pretty sure this would be all I'd need. In hindsight I'd wished I'd eaten a pound of bacon and a dozen eggs! I rolled in to the parking lot at 9:30, my race didn't start till 11:00 so I had plenty of time to get my number plate, warm up and calm down. I was pretty nervous.
After a brief racer's meeting, the race was on. The field was a mix of men and women racing together, though categories were segregated by Mens, Womens, and Single Speed. I was running my 1X9 set up and was glad to see that I wasn't alone. Lots of people were riding with only one chainring up front. Anyway, off we go, immediately bottle-necking into twisty singletrack. It had been raining on and off all morning, so the roots and rocks were slicker than snot and my new and unfamiliar tires bounced and slipped off them unpredictably. I wasn't sure if I had too much or too little psi in them. So, here we are now, a train of us, tire to tire, ripping through some of the most difficult terrain I have ridden in years. The rocks were not smooth, they were large jagged shards of granite. Each one, no smaller than the size of a football and most were larger. I thought for sure my sidewalls were going to get sliced. And as I'm thinking about this: PSSSSSS!!!! My rear tire slams a rock and goes flat. Shit! I pull off to the side, drop my pack, rip the rear wheel out of my frame and start prying the tire off of the rim. Meanwhile, racer after racer roll by. Each one saying: You ok? Or You got everything you need? I was all set though, I had packed two spare tubes in my pack and while I was pulling the deflated tube from my wheel I had the valve of my fresh tube in my mouth blowing air into it; just enough for it to take shape before I frantically, stuffed it into the tire. In it went and after about 100 spastic pumps I had it inflated, and my wheel back on the bike.
Off I go. I'm now dead last. Don't worry, I told myself, you've got 21 miles left, it's going to be a long haul. In the next minute I managed to catch two riders and pass them. I was just starting to get into the zone when all of a sudden I pinch-flatted again and heard that dreaded PSSSSSS of air rushing out of my rear wheel again. Shiiiiit! Off to the side I go again, this time, taking my time to replace the tube. I remember working more slowly this time, making sure I put my tools back in their proper pockets in my pack and rocking my rear tire so as not to pinch-flat again. I got back on the bike and told myself; calm down. You're out of spare tubes and if you have to use your patch kit, its' going to be a slow process waiting for your tube to dry before you can inflate it, so just calm down. I had to slow down and float over the jagged rocks and even walk some really jagged sections which was difficult in and of itself. I did not want to flat again and have to quit and walk back to the start area. And so on I went, methodically, picking lines of least resistance. Flow like water, I told myself.
Finally, the trail popped out onto a fire road and there were no arrows pointing which way the course went. I had caught up to about 9 other racers and we were all looking around and guessing which way to go. I decided to climb up the road and they all followed me. It felt great to get on to solid ground and motor for a bit. When I got to the top, I looped through the start/finish area again and popped out near the first torturous loop of singletrack in which I had just flatted twice. A girl with a flag stood at the entrance to this trail and I said “Again? Do we just keep doing loops of this?” and she said “yep”... so I rode the entire 6 mile loop again. This time, when I popped out on the fire road, I saw an arrow pointing DOWN the hill. I cursed out loud. I had just gone 6 miles out of my way and now, was surely in last place, I didn't see anyone behind me, so they must have been spared looping back on ground they already covered. DAMN IT! This has never happened to me. After the race, I found out that about 6 others had also gone the wrong way, and then quit. Apparently the sign marking the way to go had fallen and then been put back up by the time I came out the second time.
For the next 4 hours I rode carefully and gave it gas whenever I could. Each smooth section of trail or road section was a blessing because Michaux is entirely littered with jagged boulders. At times it sounded like riding over piles of broken dinner plates. Every once in a while I'd see a rider up ahead and make them my goal, come on', go get that guy. I'd reel them in and then just keep chugging.

I continued to pass people and when this happened on fire roads, we struck up short conversations about the pain and suffering we were enjoying. Many of the people I passed were doing the 50 mile version of this race and I couldn't even imagine such a thing. Even more impressive were the 50 milers I passed riding rigid singlespeeds! Yowza.
At about mile 20, I had eaten my three Gu packs and was fizzling out. I looked down for my fourth and last Gu pack I had tucked under my shorts on my leg only to see that it had fallen out. This was a crushing blow. I had drank almost all of the 2 liters of water in my pack and was starting to hit a wall. There was supposed to be an Aid Station somewhere on the course but I hadn't seen one and every person I passed asked me if I had. I was hoping to see it around ever corner. Just when I was thinking of pushing my bike up a steep section of fire road I saw a blue tent. YES! I pedaled on and dumped the bike at this oasis of carbohydrates. There were all sorts of snacks ripped open and strewn about. I grabbed at an open package of Keebler M&M cookies and shoved them in my mouth, then grabbed one of the 2 liters of coke and glugged a few big gulps down. A hand full of Lays potato chips were next. Ahhhh, salty goodness! And then more coke. I shoved two Keebler cookies in my back pocket and took off. I instantly felt energized.
I ducked back into the woods onto some great singletrack, feeling better mentally but only a little bit better physically. I was exhausted and my coordination was suffering. My reflexes were slow and my lines were bad through the rocky sections. I had to ride smart if I wanted to avoid flatting and walking the last unknown length of the race. I had no idea how far I had left to go. My odometer read 21 miles. I knew I had more than a mile to go, but how much more?
I continued at a steady pace, passing a rider here and a rider there. I was beginning to think that I might actually be close to a top 5 finish, despite the 6 mile detour at the beginning of the race. Just then, the trail pointed down hill. Steep, and rocky downhill. I got back behind the saddle and pointed my toes to the sky, with both brakes nearly locked up. It was so steep that I was kind of steering with my rear wheel, like a rudder of a boat while large rocks and boulders tumbled down the trail next to me. My forearms and hands were so tired from squeezing the brakes, and my calves were screaming from standing in the pedals. When is this going to level out? Down, down I went, nearly pitching myself over the bars more than a few times. When the trail leveled out it was extremely rocky and I wanted to sit on my seat to rest my calves but I couldn't risk flatting again. This race is killing me! Eventually I popped out onto another fire road and was glad to be able to recover and spin the cranks for a while but I was just crawling along.
I crossed a deep river section and was greeted with a huge steep hill, up a section of power lines. Ahead I could see two riders carrying their bikes and walking very slowly up the hill. I got off and stood next to my bike, swaying back and forth. My odometer read 26 miles. I began to push my bike and thought for a moment, I can't go on. But, I've never quit a race and I didn't want to start now. Up the hill I went, like a slug on a salt lick. I reached the top and entered more rocky singletrack. It was really rough going, I could barely sustain forward momentum. It was a constant, start, stop, start, stop...
The next 2.3 miles were spent in a state of delirium. I was so close to bonking and each steep climb broke my heart. My legs were going through spasms and I felt a charlie horse coming on any second. Still I rode, even when I was going just a tad faster than walking speed. This has to end soon I kept thinking. Suddenly, I saw colors through the trees, reds, blues... I heard music and an announcer. A burst of adrenalin kicked in and I sped forward! This is it! The end! Yes! Out of the woods I popped and out across the finish line I rolled. Hallelujah! I crossed the line and dumped over on my side. I just laid there on my back, panting, motionless. What an incredibly hard race that was. After a few moments, I sat up and flipped through my cycle computer to see my stats: Mileage was 28.3 (I went 6.3 miles out of my way – due to a fallen trail marker), time was 3 hours and 58 minutes, average speed was 7.1 mph.

Apr 14, 2012
Let's do this

I spent a little while today preparing my bike for the race. I picked up some new tires because I read that this place is very rocky. My Kenda Small Block 8's wouldn't have been ideal for this course, so I scored a great deal on some Mythos XC II's. The forecast is calling for rain, so I'm glad I have these knobbier tires. They're nice and skinny too. They're 2.2” tires but look more like a 2.0”. Believe it or not, I had a really great experience today at the Big P (Performance Bike) in Parkville, MD. I usually only go to this shop to buy tubes but today I got hooked up and enjoyed talking with a guy who, come to find out, is a friend of a really good friend of mine; Hoffman. He even gave me the low-down on what to expect at Michaux tomorrow. Right on. I popped the new tires on over a delicious new beer from New Belgium Brewing, their Shift Pale Lager. I suggest you try a can of shift at your earliest convenience. Along with the tires, I also scored a great new pair of shoes. Every 5 years or so I buy a new pair of Sidi Dominators, but this time I decided to go with a much more affordable pair of Shimano mountain shoes. Though they're not made of fine Italian leather like my Sidis, they feel amazingly comfortable and have a nice rubber tread instead of the rock-hard plastic tread of my Sidis. Fantastic. This may prove to be especially fantastic if I end up pushing my bike a lot tomorrow. Here we go!
Apr 12, 2012
Flowing through Schaeffer - 15 miles

The Skeet Range is a creepy place. The shacks which once slung clay pigeons out for shooters to knock out of the sky stand like guard towers over an overgrown field of tall grass and broken pigeons which crunch underfoot. Shotgun shells of all gauges lay here and there and trees grow up through the sidewalks that lead from station to station. A little bit of research taught me that this range, the National Capital Skeet and Trap Club was closed in 2005 after much litigation which started in 2003 when incredible amounts of lead shot was found in Seneca Creek. Check out this article; it's pretty interesting. Imagine scooping up handfuls of lead from the bottom of a creek bed...
As I said, I did take some pictures. I couldn't help it. It was a beautiful day. I purposely boosted the saturation, contrast and vibrance of these images and like they way they came out. I typically don't bump these properties nearly this much, but I dig it.
First race approaches

Aside from my physical condition, I'm only mildly concerned about my 1X9 set up. A 32T up front is the biggest ring I have. My only ring. If there are any long road sections I might be in trouble trying to keep up, or hopefully, stay ahead. ha! optimism! In the woods, I don't think it'll be a problem; I'm pretty zippy with this gearing set up.
Apr 11, 2012
A run is better than a walk - 3 miles
And also better than no riding at all. Today's weather was FUNKY. I started mowing the lawn and had to quit twice because it began snowing & sleeting. This blew my riding time out the window so I had to settle for a run. I so hate running. At least I got my heart rate up and kept it there for a while. That's what counts in my mind. I don't think I'm really building leg muscles with the how infrequently I run.
Apr 10, 2012
Windy training ride - 15 miles

This past Easter weekend, I took a trip out to North Olmsted, Ohio to visit friends. Saturday morning I decided to take a walk with my camera to see what there was to see. Looming above most of the area was a water tower. I decided to make it the subject of a series of photos, just to keep my photographic eye in shape. It's been a while since I've done any dedicated photography, and little projects like this help to keep me out of ruts. When I step back and look at the series as a whole I feel an invasive/controlling vibe to the set. I get a sense of: You're being watched. The legs of the tower seem to be beaming down which adds to this alien vibe.

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