I must have jet lag. Last night I went to bed at 10:30 and woke up at 4:40, wide eyed and bushy tailed. I laid in bed for 45 minutes trying as hard as I could to sleep. I finally gave up and started answering work emails. At 7:00 I left the 19th floor and went down for breakfast. This morning I was a bit more adventurous. I ate a thick chunk of smoked salmon (with the skin on!) and also had a small helping of grated sardines! I'll have to snap a picture of them tomorrow... they look like shaved white radish with tiny little fish on top. Guppy-sized fish. The flavor was bland with a fishy after taste. I think I'll pass on these tomorrow. Bacon and OJ was a mandatory chaser after those little guys.
I worked from 9:00 to 5:00 today at KHI and was busy the whole time. I thought maybe I'd have an easy day this week but it's ok; I'm happy to be here. When we got back to the hotel we broke from the Customer and my coworkers and I had dinner alone for a change. We went to a fantastic sushi restaurant and ate an incredible amount of the best sushi I've ever had. I am already planning on heading back again this week. I even ate a large raw shrimp; and it was good! Really good! On the way home I split from my coworkers and tried to shop at a department store, but it was so large apparently full of only women's clothing! So, I bounced and spent an hour or so exploring on my way home.
I worked from 9:00 to 5:00 today at KHI and was busy the whole time. I thought maybe I'd have an easy day this week but it's ok; I'm happy to be here. When we got back to the hotel we broke from the Customer and my coworkers and I had dinner alone for a change. We went to a fantastic sushi restaurant and ate an incredible amount of the best sushi I've ever had. I am already planning on heading back again this week. I even ate a large raw shrimp; and it was good! Really good! On the way home I split from my coworkers and tried to shop at a department store, but it was so large apparently full of only women's clothing! So, I bounced and spent an hour or so exploring on my way home.

Above Left: Dinner... delicous dinner. Above Right: A shopping alley near Chinatown.

Above Left: Shrine? Above Right: Tea vending machine!

Above Left: Chinatown entrance. Above Right: main thoroughfare which runs along the shoreline of the island.

Above Left: Another street scene in Chinatown. Above Right: A 7 Eleven... there are no hotdogs in this 7 Eleven!

Above Left: Empty intersection. Above Right: Superman's changing room.