Dec 22, 2010


It's been a long while since I've blogged. This holiday season hasn't been the merriest and I haven't much felt like saying anything to the world wide web. Work is incredibly busy and stressful lately, and my wife's Grandpa is in the hospital, recovering from triple bypass surgery as I type this. But, it makes me feel better to get some gibberish out there and so here I am... surfacing for air in the interweb.

Last night Chris and I climbed for a couple of hours at Brooklyn Boulders. It's been months since I've clung to plastic holds and belayed my friend. I have to say, with all of the stress I've been dealing with lately, some physical problem solving was just what I needed. It is truly gratifying to asses a route and execute a simple ascent via strategy, determination and a lot of muscular exertion. We started off slow and easy with a few 5.6 and 5.7 routes and eventually tackled and bested a couple of inverted 5.8's. A tricky 5.8+ seemed to plateau our efforts and we've both vowed to head back next week and champion the tricky route.
After climbing we decided to explore Brooklyn a little bit in search of a great pizza. With sore fingers I poked around the iPhone and brought up Grimaldi's Pizzeria. Rave reviews and an image of steamy delight on their home page sealed the deal, and a short while later we were plowing through an insanely delicious sausage and pepperoni pie. Thin crust, excellent sauce, powerful basil leaves, tasty meats and fresh mozzarella came together to form what I think is the best pizza I've ever eaten. There is something to be said for a coal fueled brick oven pie. That something is “cripes, when are we going back?”.

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