May 5, 2014

Spring has sprung

The weather has been amazing lately.  The trees in our yard have finally blossomed, the tulips have burst out of the ground, and I'm seeing rabbits every morning and evening as they feast on the dandelions that make up the majority of our yard.  With the springtime beauty and wonderment comes the pollen and my sneezing & itchy eyes, but I'll take it.  I'm glad the warmer weather is here and I'm enjoying the metamorphosis unfolding before my eyes.  The other day I cam home from work and grabbed my camera to snap some pictures of how pretty things are looking.  I captured a chickadee (My favorite little bird) building a nest in the tree out front. In the side yard I stalked and captured shots of a young rabbit who looks like he had a tussle with a neighborhood cat.  Poor guy.  

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